Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pinky's Praises

My Sister Had Plastic Surgery

My sister Danelle was born with a cleft lip. She had surgery when she was a baby 20 years ago and that was it. She had a slightly noticeable scar but the other side of her nose kinda flattened out. I don't know if that really affected her much emotionally but she is a smart student and she sings in front of people at our Dad's church. Her speech wasn't at all affected and she has a beautiful singing voice.

Well, She grew up and became a nurse. Boy, how time flies. She volunteered to work at a specialty hospital in my hometown which is Davao City, Philippines. This hospital also does plastic surgeries, EENT etc.

One day I heard that she's been offered by a plastic surgeon (the best in town) to have her surgery done for free. Wow, isn't that great?

However my Dad had concerns since the surgeon said they've have to take a bone out of Danelle's hip to be placed on her nose. So since my Dad is a praying Dad, he just prays about it because that is the only thing he knows to do.
Then operation Smile came to Davao and somehow the local surgeon passed her on to the surgeon in the team who came from Manila and guess what? He did not have to take a bone out of her hip. He just straightened out the cartilage in her nose and did some surgery on her upper lip.

All these for free but the family provided the staff with merienda (snacks).

Praise God!!! My family is not wealthy and we couldn't afford such specialty operations but God orchestrated everything and paved a way for Danelle. Isn't that special?

My Dad Had Cataract Surgery

My Dad needed cataract surgery on both eyes. Well as I've said, my family is not wealthy so my brothers and I decided to chip-in so it will be easier on everybody concerned. I guess God decided to chip-in too because my sister who works at the hospital talked them into lowering the bill in half, and the lab work was all free. When my brother and I talked on the phone, he figured out my part came to $20.00 after everything was split-up between the 5 of us. The reason it was only $20.00 is because I'm in the U.S and they're in the Philippines so my money goes a long way. But still, $20.00 is unbelievable so I decided to send-in $100.00.
My Dad is doing good and still going strong as a groovy old man!
Praise the Lord!!!

My Friend Tere and Her Debt-Erased!

I work with Tere and she and I usually talk about the goodness of God in our lives and the people we know.
I need to share what happened to Tere and her debt because this story is not something that I had heard somewhere else but directly from the recipient of God's goodness.

Tere told me that she has really been praying that they will be debt-free and so she would work extra at the other hospital so she can pay her debts. But oh, you know how it feels when its a weekend and you'd like to spend time with your kids or you really have a garage sale you want to go to...Bummer!!!

Well, Tere's been praying. She noticed that recently the other hospital has been cancelling her weekend job leaving her with more time for her family. Then her husband got a bonus, giving them more money to meet their needs. She also told me that they felt the need to support this mission in Mexico and so they have been doing that.

Tere's husband Sam had surgery some months ago and they encurred some debts on that. Every month they would faithfully come by the hospital to pay the minimum amount due. They did that this weekend and when she got home she had a message on the answering machine. She taught they were calling her to work and she dreaded to hear the message but when she did, it was the lady at the business office. When she talked to her, the lady told Tere that she had checked their records and it showed that their account has been paid in full. Tere asked her to double checked including the other account they have and the lady said that they are both paid. It was more than $1300. She couldn't believe it but what do you say to that...Praise God!!! God is good!!! Isn't God good?
God is good all the time!!!!!