Tuesday, July 26, 2011

God showed Himself to me today!

During my lunch break today, I went to my car, parked under the tree to eat there. When I was done eating, I whispered a prayer, thanking God about how He helped me in my job, and various other things. Suddenly, there was a wind that swept over me. It felt so good that I told God, " Oh it's you, telling me that you're here and assuring me that you love me." Then I heard the flapping of wings and there was a dove descending on the pavement in front of me! I thought,"Wow, Thank you Lord. You are telling me that you are with me."

Later after work, on my way home I decided to stopped by the church at the prayer center, just to unwind, pray, and get a good start for the rest of the day when I go home to another job of taking care of my family and working on my travel biz. When I got to the little private room, I opened the book entitled "The Names of God." I am on the names that starts with letter D and guess what, at the end of the page was the name, "Dove."

The verse: "And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:
Matthew 3:16

Wow, God showed Himself to me today!

John 3:8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.

Spirit of God= like a Dove

First, I felt the wind then I saw the Dove. What an experience!

Thank You Lord!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

God Will Win

On Nov 19th, I helped a friend booked an air reservation. He wanted to go home to the Philippines because his Dad is dying and he wants to tell him about the Lord Jesus Christ. However his passport will expire in 4 months. I know it has to be 6 months. The other 3 people in the family have current passports. I called Philippine embassy in LA but there was no answer. My friend Neil asked his other friends about it and they said it will be OK and he can renew his passport when he gets to the Philippines. We figured out since its a Philippine Passport and he is going home to the Philippines that it should be OK. His flight is Nov 29th. End of story? No!

Philippine Embassy called Sunday Night Nov 21st and told me he has to renew his passport before he leaves because the airline might not let him get on board.

I thought about letting him risk it but then I decided to call him Monday morning, Nov22nd. I told him what the embassy said and advised him to call the embassy himself. He talked to them that day and he was advised to find an attorney to make the letter re reasons for emergency trip and mail it with his passport. He doesn't know any atty but he went to the human resources of the hospital he works at and they got the hospital atty to make the letter free of charge. He mailed the letter but forgot to include the passport. The embassy called Tuesday (23rd) evening wanting his passport and advising him to Fedex it, he made it to their office which was closing in 30 mins so his passport will make it the next day.

Wednesday Nov 24th, the passport still has not arrrived in LA at noon as he called them to verify. When he called later all afternoon, nobody answers anymore.

The embassy was closed for Thanksgiving (nov 25th) and the rest of the weekend. Meanwhile, I keep on praying but also thought that here we are praying for the impossible but what if the people in the embassy did not do their job in mailing it back, we will be waiting for nothing.
At this point we both recognized Satan is creating distraction because of the purpose of his trip.

I advised Neil to call Fedex Friday (26th) morning to see if they have received any letter for him.
Neil found out they didn't so he called the embassy even if he knew they were closed. He kept calling and calling. What a surprise, somebody answered the phone! Some lady employee just went into the office for some reason and picked up the phone! The lady looked for Neil's papers and texted the person who was in charge of approving Neil's letter and passport and she came in and worked on his papers.

Saturday (27th), the lady called Neil back and gave him the tracking# for Fedex and then she told him: "Sir, just go home and tell your Dad about the Lord Jesus Christ- He is the only way to heaven." Neil was shocked, this lady does not even know him. So he told her, "Maam, actually that is the reason why I'm going home to the Philippines.

I called Neil almost everyday to keep updated and work on a plan.

Sunday, waiting and waiting-no letter,no Fedex. What if the Fedex messed up?
Actually, I should have been satisfied with the turn of events but I was humanly over-worried.
$4,000+ worth of non-refundable tickets and no trip insurance!

Monday morning, Nov 29th (Day of Departure). Immediately upon waking up, this was on my mind, I was praying then I opened my bible and I just landed on the verse that said, "The Lord our God does wonders. He has revealed His strength to the people." Psalms... .

Then I went to work as a nurse. There was no call, I was really worried and started to doubt. As an agent I feel responsible even if Neil insisted he was taking responsibility. I told God, "Lord, I need to finish the story, all those miracles you did during the week is not going to matter anymore, if they can't take their flight. THERE'LL BE NO STORY!!!" Then I looked at the Patient's board and my eyes fell on a patient's name,"GODWIN, not Goodwin but GODWIN!" I said,"Thank you Lord, you have a message for me- Yes, God will win, GOD WIN."

I can't take it anymore so I called Neil at 11:30 am and he said he just got it! He got his passport! Praise the Lord!!!
Neil and his family left Tyler at 2:00 pm for DFW to take their flight at 7:30 pm. He is on his way to tell his dying Father about the Lord Jesus Christ!
God is faithful!
Update: Dec 13th
Neil and his family are back in the States. He was able to witnessed to his Father and he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


On August 12,2010, I went to Dallas to take my proctored travel agent exam. The original proctor couldn't make it so another lady took her place. The lady asked me what I wanted to do and I told her, "International Travel." She happened to specialize in International travel and mission trips. She said she does not normally proctor exams but this was God-appointed. She started telling me how to start the travel business. I was amazed because it is exactly the next step that I need. She said she has to be obedient to God. She invited me to their meeting that weekend. These are really a nice group of people and I was amazed how God just knew where I would fit -in. I signed the contract and boom-Pinky's Travel was born!
I am so thankful because I honestly do not know how to start this kind of business. I need guidance and mentoring. God provided me with a Christian mentor who is vibrant and love to teach. Amazing!

The other thing, Bobby's 86 yr old Mom lives in Dallas alone and I was planning to check on her every other weekend but I was kinda worried that it can become expensive. Now that I have to meet with my host agency every other weekend then I can check on Bobby's Mom at the same time and it will be a business expense and that took care of my worries.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Monday, December 28, 2009

How I got my $100 shoes for Free

Shape-up shoes by Sketchers are becoming popular among nurses due to the claims that it will:
  • Promote weight loss
  • strenghten the back
  • Firm calf and buttock muscles
  • Reduce cellulite and tone your thighs
  • Increase cardiovascular health
  • Improve posture
  • Reduce stress on Knee and ankle joints

So with all those reasons, naturally I wanted a pair of my own. It will cost me at least $100. My friend and I ordered a cheaper version by Curves through Avon. However, I got a call from my Dad that my brother Edwin is hurting due to his income being cut back and his son is sick. I decided to send him some money and cancelled my order from Avon. Then there is this deal at Shoe Carnival- buy one get one half off. One of my co-workers asked me if I want to go with her so we can get the deal. But even with the deal, it will still cost me $75. I told them I will just have to ask God to give me the shoes.

I prayed that maybe there is a sale somewhere and that God will somehow make it possible for me to have it.

On my birthday, my friend Lynda and I went to Kohl's in Dallas to check-out after Christmas sales. We went to the shoe dept and sure enough they have the shoes for $100. After much thought and accounting, I bought them but here's how it ended up for free:

  • $10 kohl's coupon from Lynda
  • $20.00 off (20% off from Kohl's)
  • $25.00 Xmas money from Mom
  • $25.00 Bday money from Mom
  • $20.00( $10.00 walmart gift card from Suzy, sold to Bobby for $20.00)
  • total is $100

And that is how God gave me the $100 shoes for free!

Ask and it shall be given unto you, Seek and ye shall find, Knock and it shall be opened unto you.

-Matthew 7:7

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pinky's Praises 3

A few years ago my sister in-law put me in touched with mothers who prays for their children and this group is called Moms-In-Touch. I would go to a weekly meeting usually in the morning to pray for our children individually.

My older son, Kurt started hanging out with the wrong crowd when he was in high school especially during the 2nd and 3rd year. His grades were not good at all. He would occassionally go to church with us but he was not interested in any spiritual things at all. He was also smoking pot.

We pullled him out of high school and sent him to the Philippines for 5 months.

My constant prayers for Kurt were:

That God will cause a hunger for God's word in Kurt
That he will have direction in his life
That he will have the fruits of the Spirit
That he will have new Christian friends

Finally after 5 years, Kurt has a major turn around- he announced that he is leaving his friends who are weed smokers.
He has decided that he will go into the Marines. God actually provided somebody to guide him during the enlistment process.
He has attended a men's bible study and actually liked it.
He attends "Wired" a Single ministry at church
He reads his bible and other interesting materials
His world-view has become like his parents!
His GPA in his first year of college is great!

Praise God!
update: 8/25/10
After several tries with the Marines, Kurt was not able to join due to his allergies. Kurt again was confused and didn't know what to do next. I tried to convince him to be a nurse and I even enrolled him in a nursing assistant program but he didn't want to be one. As usual, I always pray for direction and that God will provide him with Christian friends. One day one of his friends who went to jail called him and told him about a construction job. His friend found out about this job through another guy that he met in jail. So now I was worried that he was working with guys that went to jail! Kurt liked the job and it was through this job that he met his current boss who picked him out of that group and moved him to another company where the bosses and co-workers are christians. They tell him what books to read and Kurt is really happy with this company. He is a growing Christian and he is a son of every mother's dream! Thanks be to God who is always listening to my prayers.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Pinky's Praises Part 2

Matthew 17:20-21 KJV

And Jesus said unto them: Because of your unbelief: For verily, I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto the mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible to you. Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.

I was having some concerns in my life when I saw this verse. I thought, "OK, maybe I should try doing a dessert fast for a week." I really need to see God's power. You, know, have some excitement in my life.

So, I started my dessert fast the next day. However, I didn't do too well, I just couldn't resist the chocolate chip cookies that were given to us. Then I questioned myself if I was really fasting, I felt terrible and defeated.

The next day, Some people brought a pan of brownies to my workplace and they looked so good, so yummy. Hmmmm, should I even have just a little bit? But then I thought that if I yielded this time, then I would fail in everything, fasting or not. It will show how weak my resolve is and I just cannot accept that so I had to pray for the Lord to help me resist the temptation.

I continued to pray specifically for this corcern that I had, all the other concerns took a back seat in my prayer life, and I was just focusing on this one thing.

The next few days seemed easy enough but then we got a dinner invitation and we brought ice cream for dessert! Thankfully They had plain strawberries so I chose that instead! No whipped cream, OK!!!

Then we went to another lunch party and there was blackberry cobbler with ice cream! I almost succumb to it but I separated myself from people who were eating this stuff and I survived!

Then came the 7th day and I ended my fasting that day and just giving my specific concern to God and I decided it was up to Him whether He will do something or not.

Boy, In a few hours, that concern was answered and God open up the door unexpectedly. I was just so amazed by the way it all went. I cannot believe it but of course I believe!

The other thing, God not only answered this concern but all the others that I haven't even mentioned that week, was answered as well.

The greatest of all was when Kurt came home and said, " Mom, something happened this week. God took away all my desire to smoke pot." I said, "Really? Wow! you know what...." And we talked about it for awhile.
He also enrolled in College and I was so relieved when he chose to take graphics design. He was also thinking of taking business or automotive course. But graphics design is really him, as he is so good in art. Such an answer to prayer, for direction in Kurt's life!

And then... there is still residual effect. Even the week that followed. My hospital had a picnic at the lake. Kristy and I got invited to ride in a boat. Kristy and her friend got pulled in a tube behind the boat and she said, "Mom, that was so much fun. Even more fun than Sea World!"
So I didn't have to spend any money just to make Kristy happy.

And Kevin... he was given a $56.00 skateboard and a dinner at On the border for free !!!

Another neat thing...

I had always been interested in Southern France. I am drawn to the warmth landscape of the countryside as well as the seaside ambience I see in pictures. I like French country decorating and I have adapted some in my home like using toile fabrics for draperies and slowly buying a few accessories. So when I had an ebay buyer from France, I wrote them that I like the French countryside and guess where they live?... Southern France!!!

Never in my wildest dream did I ever imagine that in six months Jean Paul and Christine would be our dinner guests in our house. Since I can't afford to go to France, God brought France to me! They brought to me six handblown drinking glasses from the factory in Biot, France. I even got the brochure and they gave us several booklets from places in Austria they've been to and even a store catalog equivalent to our Wal-Mart! How exciting it was to visit and make friends and explore other culture without leaving Tyler! God is good!

Oh and I shouldn't forget...Praise God for providing me with a great job for the past five years, a great boss and a recent pay raise.

God is so good all the time!!!

Fasting...anybody? It really works.

Great are You, my Lord, and most worthy of praise. Your greatness no one can fathom. One generation will commend Your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. They will speak of the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and I will meditate on Your wonderful works. They will tell of the power of Your awesome works, and I will proclaim Your great deeds. They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of Your righteousness.(Ps. 145:3-7)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pinky's Praises

My Sister Had Plastic Surgery

My sister Danelle was born with a cleft lip. She had surgery when she was a baby 20 years ago and that was it. She had a slightly noticeable scar but the other side of her nose kinda flattened out. I don't know if that really affected her much emotionally but she is a smart student and she sings in front of people at our Dad's church. Her speech wasn't at all affected and she has a beautiful singing voice.

Well, She grew up and became a nurse. Boy, how time flies. She volunteered to work at a specialty hospital in my hometown which is Davao City, Philippines. This hospital also does plastic surgeries, EENT etc.

One day I heard that she's been offered by a plastic surgeon (the best in town) to have her surgery done for free. Wow, isn't that great?

However my Dad had concerns since the surgeon said they've have to take a bone out of Danelle's hip to be placed on her nose. So since my Dad is a praying Dad, he just prays about it because that is the only thing he knows to do.
Then operation Smile came to Davao and somehow the local surgeon passed her on to the surgeon in the team who came from Manila and guess what? He did not have to take a bone out of her hip. He just straightened out the cartilage in her nose and did some surgery on her upper lip.

All these for free but the family provided the staff with merienda (snacks).

Praise God!!! My family is not wealthy and we couldn't afford such specialty operations but God orchestrated everything and paved a way for Danelle. Isn't that special?

My Dad Had Cataract Surgery

My Dad needed cataract surgery on both eyes. Well as I've said, my family is not wealthy so my brothers and I decided to chip-in so it will be easier on everybody concerned. I guess God decided to chip-in too because my sister who works at the hospital talked them into lowering the bill in half, and the lab work was all free. When my brother and I talked on the phone, he figured out my part came to $20.00 after everything was split-up between the 5 of us. The reason it was only $20.00 is because I'm in the U.S and they're in the Philippines so my money goes a long way. But still, $20.00 is unbelievable so I decided to send-in $100.00.
My Dad is doing good and still going strong as a groovy old man!
Praise the Lord!!!

My Friend Tere and Her Debt-Erased!

I work with Tere and she and I usually talk about the goodness of God in our lives and the people we know.
I need to share what happened to Tere and her debt because this story is not something that I had heard somewhere else but directly from the recipient of God's goodness.

Tere told me that she has really been praying that they will be debt-free and so she would work extra at the other hospital so she can pay her debts. But oh, you know how it feels when its a weekend and you'd like to spend time with your kids or you really have a garage sale you want to go to...Bummer!!!

Well, Tere's been praying. She noticed that recently the other hospital has been cancelling her weekend job leaving her with more time for her family. Then her husband got a bonus, giving them more money to meet their needs. She also told me that they felt the need to support this mission in Mexico and so they have been doing that.

Tere's husband Sam had surgery some months ago and they encurred some debts on that. Every month they would faithfully come by the hospital to pay the minimum amount due. They did that this weekend and when she got home she had a message on the answering machine. She taught they were calling her to work and she dreaded to hear the message but when she did, it was the lady at the business office. When she talked to her, the lady told Tere that she had checked their records and it showed that their account has been paid in full. Tere asked her to double checked including the other account they have and the lady said that they are both paid. It was more than $1300. She couldn't believe it but what do you say to that...Praise God!!! God is good!!! Isn't God good?
God is good all the time!!!!!