Wednesday, August 25, 2010


On August 12,2010, I went to Dallas to take my proctored travel agent exam. The original proctor couldn't make it so another lady took her place. The lady asked me what I wanted to do and I told her, "International Travel." She happened to specialize in International travel and mission trips. She said she does not normally proctor exams but this was God-appointed. She started telling me how to start the travel business. I was amazed because it is exactly the next step that I need. She said she has to be obedient to God. She invited me to their meeting that weekend. These are really a nice group of people and I was amazed how God just knew where I would fit -in. I signed the contract and boom-Pinky's Travel was born!
I am so thankful because I honestly do not know how to start this kind of business. I need guidance and mentoring. God provided me with a Christian mentor who is vibrant and love to teach. Amazing!

The other thing, Bobby's 86 yr old Mom lives in Dallas alone and I was planning to check on her every other weekend but I was kinda worried that it can become expensive. Now that I have to meet with my host agency every other weekend then I can check on Bobby's Mom at the same time and it will be a business expense and that took care of my worries.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

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