Tuesday, November 30, 2010

God Will Win

On Nov 19th, I helped a friend booked an air reservation. He wanted to go home to the Philippines because his Dad is dying and he wants to tell him about the Lord Jesus Christ. However his passport will expire in 4 months. I know it has to be 6 months. The other 3 people in the family have current passports. I called Philippine embassy in LA but there was no answer. My friend Neil asked his other friends about it and they said it will be OK and he can renew his passport when he gets to the Philippines. We figured out since its a Philippine Passport and he is going home to the Philippines that it should be OK. His flight is Nov 29th. End of story? No!

Philippine Embassy called Sunday Night Nov 21st and told me he has to renew his passport before he leaves because the airline might not let him get on board.

I thought about letting him risk it but then I decided to call him Monday morning, Nov22nd. I told him what the embassy said and advised him to call the embassy himself. He talked to them that day and he was advised to find an attorney to make the letter re reasons for emergency trip and mail it with his passport. He doesn't know any atty but he went to the human resources of the hospital he works at and they got the hospital atty to make the letter free of charge. He mailed the letter but forgot to include the passport. The embassy called Tuesday (23rd) evening wanting his passport and advising him to Fedex it, he made it to their office which was closing in 30 mins so his passport will make it the next day.

Wednesday Nov 24th, the passport still has not arrrived in LA at noon as he called them to verify. When he called later all afternoon, nobody answers anymore.

The embassy was closed for Thanksgiving (nov 25th) and the rest of the weekend. Meanwhile, I keep on praying but also thought that here we are praying for the impossible but what if the people in the embassy did not do their job in mailing it back, we will be waiting for nothing.
At this point we both recognized Satan is creating distraction because of the purpose of his trip.

I advised Neil to call Fedex Friday (26th) morning to see if they have received any letter for him.
Neil found out they didn't so he called the embassy even if he knew they were closed. He kept calling and calling. What a surprise, somebody answered the phone! Some lady employee just went into the office for some reason and picked up the phone! The lady looked for Neil's papers and texted the person who was in charge of approving Neil's letter and passport and she came in and worked on his papers.

Saturday (27th), the lady called Neil back and gave him the tracking# for Fedex and then she told him: "Sir, just go home and tell your Dad about the Lord Jesus Christ- He is the only way to heaven." Neil was shocked, this lady does not even know him. So he told her, "Maam, actually that is the reason why I'm going home to the Philippines.

I called Neil almost everyday to keep updated and work on a plan.

Sunday, waiting and waiting-no letter,no Fedex. What if the Fedex messed up?
Actually, I should have been satisfied with the turn of events but I was humanly over-worried.
$4,000+ worth of non-refundable tickets and no trip insurance!

Monday morning, Nov 29th (Day of Departure). Immediately upon waking up, this was on my mind, I was praying then I opened my bible and I just landed on the verse that said, "The Lord our God does wonders. He has revealed His strength to the people." Psalms... .

Then I went to work as a nurse. There was no call, I was really worried and started to doubt. As an agent I feel responsible even if Neil insisted he was taking responsibility. I told God, "Lord, I need to finish the story, all those miracles you did during the week is not going to matter anymore, if they can't take their flight. THERE'LL BE NO STORY!!!" Then I looked at the Patient's board and my eyes fell on a patient's name,"GODWIN, not Goodwin but GODWIN!" I said,"Thank you Lord, you have a message for me- Yes, God will win, GOD WIN."

I can't take it anymore so I called Neil at 11:30 am and he said he just got it! He got his passport! Praise the Lord!!!
Neil and his family left Tyler at 2:00 pm for DFW to take their flight at 7:30 pm. He is on his way to tell his dying Father about the Lord Jesus Christ!
God is faithful!
Update: Dec 13th
Neil and his family are back in the States. He was able to witnessed to his Father and he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ.

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