Saturday, August 2, 2008

Pinky's Praises Part 2

Matthew 17:20-21 KJV

And Jesus said unto them: Because of your unbelief: For verily, I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto the mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible to you. Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.

I was having some concerns in my life when I saw this verse. I thought, "OK, maybe I should try doing a dessert fast for a week." I really need to see God's power. You, know, have some excitement in my life.

So, I started my dessert fast the next day. However, I didn't do too well, I just couldn't resist the chocolate chip cookies that were given to us. Then I questioned myself if I was really fasting, I felt terrible and defeated.

The next day, Some people brought a pan of brownies to my workplace and they looked so good, so yummy. Hmmmm, should I even have just a little bit? But then I thought that if I yielded this time, then I would fail in everything, fasting or not. It will show how weak my resolve is and I just cannot accept that so I had to pray for the Lord to help me resist the temptation.

I continued to pray specifically for this corcern that I had, all the other concerns took a back seat in my prayer life, and I was just focusing on this one thing.

The next few days seemed easy enough but then we got a dinner invitation and we brought ice cream for dessert! Thankfully They had plain strawberries so I chose that instead! No whipped cream, OK!!!

Then we went to another lunch party and there was blackberry cobbler with ice cream! I almost succumb to it but I separated myself from people who were eating this stuff and I survived!

Then came the 7th day and I ended my fasting that day and just giving my specific concern to God and I decided it was up to Him whether He will do something or not.

Boy, In a few hours, that concern was answered and God open up the door unexpectedly. I was just so amazed by the way it all went. I cannot believe it but of course I believe!

The other thing, God not only answered this concern but all the others that I haven't even mentioned that week, was answered as well.

The greatest of all was when Kurt came home and said, " Mom, something happened this week. God took away all my desire to smoke pot." I said, "Really? Wow! you know what...." And we talked about it for awhile.
He also enrolled in College and I was so relieved when he chose to take graphics design. He was also thinking of taking business or automotive course. But graphics design is really him, as he is so good in art. Such an answer to prayer, for direction in Kurt's life!

And then... there is still residual effect. Even the week that followed. My hospital had a picnic at the lake. Kristy and I got invited to ride in a boat. Kristy and her friend got pulled in a tube behind the boat and she said, "Mom, that was so much fun. Even more fun than Sea World!"
So I didn't have to spend any money just to make Kristy happy.

And Kevin... he was given a $56.00 skateboard and a dinner at On the border for free !!!

Another neat thing...

I had always been interested in Southern France. I am drawn to the warmth landscape of the countryside as well as the seaside ambience I see in pictures. I like French country decorating and I have adapted some in my home like using toile fabrics for draperies and slowly buying a few accessories. So when I had an ebay buyer from France, I wrote them that I like the French countryside and guess where they live?... Southern France!!!

Never in my wildest dream did I ever imagine that in six months Jean Paul and Christine would be our dinner guests in our house. Since I can't afford to go to France, God brought France to me! They brought to me six handblown drinking glasses from the factory in Biot, France. I even got the brochure and they gave us several booklets from places in Austria they've been to and even a store catalog equivalent to our Wal-Mart! How exciting it was to visit and make friends and explore other culture without leaving Tyler! God is good!

Oh and I shouldn't forget...Praise God for providing me with a great job for the past five years, a great boss and a recent pay raise.

God is so good all the time!!!

Fasting...anybody? It really works.

Great are You, my Lord, and most worthy of praise. Your greatness no one can fathom. One generation will commend Your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. They will speak of the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and I will meditate on Your wonderful works. They will tell of the power of Your awesome works, and I will proclaim Your great deeds. They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of Your righteousness.(Ps. 145:3-7)