Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pinky's Praises 3

A few years ago my sister in-law put me in touched with mothers who prays for their children and this group is called Moms-In-Touch. I would go to a weekly meeting usually in the morning to pray for our children individually.

My older son, Kurt started hanging out with the wrong crowd when he was in high school especially during the 2nd and 3rd year. His grades were not good at all. He would occassionally go to church with us but he was not interested in any spiritual things at all. He was also smoking pot.

We pullled him out of high school and sent him to the Philippines for 5 months.

My constant prayers for Kurt were:

That God will cause a hunger for God's word in Kurt
That he will have direction in his life
That he will have the fruits of the Spirit
That he will have new Christian friends

Finally after 5 years, Kurt has a major turn around- he announced that he is leaving his friends who are weed smokers.
He has decided that he will go into the Marines. God actually provided somebody to guide him during the enlistment process.
He has attended a men's bible study and actually liked it.
He attends "Wired" a Single ministry at church
He reads his bible and other interesting materials
His world-view has become like his parents!
His GPA in his first year of college is great!

Praise God!
update: 8/25/10
After several tries with the Marines, Kurt was not able to join due to his allergies. Kurt again was confused and didn't know what to do next. I tried to convince him to be a nurse and I even enrolled him in a nursing assistant program but he didn't want to be one. As usual, I always pray for direction and that God will provide him with Christian friends. One day one of his friends who went to jail called him and told him about a construction job. His friend found out about this job through another guy that he met in jail. So now I was worried that he was working with guys that went to jail! Kurt liked the job and it was through this job that he met his current boss who picked him out of that group and moved him to another company where the bosses and co-workers are christians. They tell him what books to read and Kurt is really happy with this company. He is a growing Christian and he is a son of every mother's dream! Thanks be to God who is always listening to my prayers.